Thursday 2/15/23: Legal Talk with Attorney Kevin Flesch & Specialty Poxy Coatings

Today’s Guests:
Attorney Kevin Flesch of Flesch & Beck Law is with us to talk about the tactics that insurance companies use when dealing with your Personal Injury case. Kevin says, this is why you need an experienced Attorney! The insurance companies have trained professionals to try and get you to accept a low settlement offer. Their strategies start with the very first phone call. Talk to your Attorney before you make any statements to the insurance company. It’s always a free consultation at Flesch & Beck Law Firm. Call Kevin today at 303-806-8886 or visit the website at

Then Jonathan Dismuke, Owner of Specialty Poxy Coatings is with us to explain their process in transforming your garage. Host Scott Whatley shares their great experience with Specialty Poxy Coatings. If you have been considering giving you garage a makeover, we highly recommend Jonathan and his team. They offer free consults and a lifetime warranty. Check out the website at: We are proud to have Specialty Poxy Coatings on our Haystack Help Home Team.

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