Today’s Guests:
It’s the “Just Try It” Radio Show brought to you by e-Bike of Colorado! Randy Caranci, Owner of eBike of Colorado is with us to review the 3 Classes of EBikes. The rebate program is on again and the last day to apply in Monday November 13, 2023. Randy invites all of our listeners to come December 1, to Louisville for the Parade of Lights and food and fun at the store. Randy says come by for a test ride and there will be some great deals over the next few weeks and it’s a great time to buy an EBike. Check out their website at www.ebikeofcolorado.com. Stay connected on their Social Media “e-bike of Colorado” to hear about all of their upcoming events. Join the e-bike community and stay tuned to “Just Try It, brought to you by e-bike of Colorado. Visit e-Bike Of Colorado at 544 Front St Louisville, CO. Remember to tune in every Wednesday from Noon – 12:30 PM as we discuss everything you need to know about e-bikes. You will learn about choosing, riding, and maintaining an electric bike. Whether you are considering purchasing your first electric bike or already committed to the e-bike lifestyle – this show is for you. From the casual rider to the extreme, for the outdoorsman to the family rides, we’ve got you covered. Take a test ride today at either location and “Just Try It”! Again, check out their website at www.ebikeofcolorado.com.
Then Full Hearts Hospice is with us. While certainly discussing end of life decisions is not easy, to we are talking about the important role that Hospice Care plays in these very critical and trying times. We are joined by Anna Brutyan and Hripsime Nazaryan with Full Hearts Hospice in Aurora. This interview will help you understand hospice care and all the benefits to your family.
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