Today’s Guests:
On this episode of the Legal Talk Radio Show on 560AM KLZ, Attorney Kevin Flesch of Flesch & Beck Law talks about Teen Drivers. Kevin says to make sure you know your Auto Policy. Check your Med Pay, UnInsured/Underinsured and get as much as you can afford. Also make sure your teen driver understands the Colorado Point System. Attorney Kevin Flesch of Flesch & Beck Law offers over 25 years of experience in Denver and throughout the State of Colorado. Kevin Flesch and their attorneys represent personal injury victims and people accused of criminal acts throughout the Denver area. Tune in to Legal Talk, every Thursday at Noon – 12:30 PM on 560AM KLZ, with Attorney Kevin Flesch. It’s always a free consultation at Flesch & Beck Law Firm. Call Kevin today at 303-806-8886 or visit the website at www.fleschlawfirm.com.
In our second half hour we are happy to announce an exciting new procedure at IV Nutrition in Centennial. Owner Jim & Debbie Fraser join us to talk about MedWave. MedWave uses a revolutionary approach called narrow light technology. Jim & Debbie lay out all the benefits of this new therapy. Jim says exciting for clients to see the results immediately after their procedure. Mention Haystack Help Radio and your first treatment is only $88.00. Check out the website at: www.ivnutrition.com/locations/denver-centennial-co/
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