Tuesday 7/9/24: Your Money Matters Radio Show

Today’s Guest:
On this episode of The Your Money Matters Radio Show, Kurt Rogers, Managing Broker at Affordable Interest Mortgage, kicks off the show to answer this question: “When should a homeowner consider paying points to lower their Mortgage Interest Rate?” Kurt also explains that there may be a time when paying Mortgage Insurance is a better scenario for some homeowners. And, if you want to know more about why using a “Mortgage Broker” over a “Banker” has its advantages, then listen in to this great show. Call Kurt at (720) 895-0500 and explore your mortgage refinance options if you have high interest debt! Kurt is saving real clients, real money! Check out the website at www.aimortgage.net. Affordable Interest Mortgage – Powered by IMB #2191655. NMLS 217147. Equal Opportunity Lender.

Affordable Interest Mortgage – Powered by IMB #2191655. NMLS 217147. Equal Opportunity Lender. Be sure to tune in every Tuesday at Noon – 1PM on 560AM KLZ for The Your Money Matters Radio Show. I am proud to be the exclusive Mortgage Broker for The Haystack Help Radio Home Team!

Then Dave Hart with Roof Savers of Colorado joins us to talk about the Roof Maxx treatment that can possibly save you from replacing your roof at this time. Dave says, it’s important to know your Homeowners Insurance policy and what it covers for your roof. Call Dave for a free inspection before you make a claim. While Dave can absolutely help you if your roof does need to be replaced, his goal is to save your roof! Roof Savers of Colorado is a Member of the Haystack Help Home Team.

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