Wednesday 1/8/25: e-bike Of Colorado & Dryer Vent Wizards & Custom Ear Solutions

Today’s Guests:
It’s the “Just Try It” Radio Show brought to you by e-Bike of Colorado! Randy Caranci, Owner of eBike of Colorado reflects back on 2024, it was a great year for e-bikes purchases, with the Rebate Programs it really helped a lot of people be able to purchase an eBike.
Randy explains the Classes of EBikes and encourages everyone to come out to the store and ride their trail system, to help find the right bike for you. Warning on buying an ebike online, DON’T! Randy explained that almost daily there is a regretful customer. With eBike of Colorado you not only to test ride your bike but you are also automatically a Club Member which has many great benefits. Buy with confidence at eBike of Colorado. When you go in, make sure you mention you heard Randy on “Just Try It” KLZ 560AM. You will not find a better selection of ebikes, and we encourage you to visit the store located at 544 Front St in Louisville and “Just Try It”. Check out the website at

Then, Mark Witte and Tod Masters join us with Dryer Vent Wizards in Castle Rock. We had them out to our home a few weeks ago and Tod did an outstanding job! Each year there are almost 14,000 home fires caused by clothes dryers. About 27% of those caused by accumulated lint. Call 720-677-2555 mention Haystack Help Radio and get $20 off of your cleaning.

Dr. Melissa Fling, the founder and owner of Custom Ear Solutions, joins us, we discuss my recent visit and hearing test. Contact Melissa offers several different types of custom hearing protection. This half-hour is filled with facts about your hearing and the importance of always protecting your ears. Melissa explains the extensive training that an Audiologist must complete. Even if you have some hearing loss, now is the time to protect your ears, it’s never too late. Call today for your hearing test, 720-839-7705 and visit her website at

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